Thursday, 21 May 2020

That's how the Gemini is in a relationship

Are you dating a Gemini? Then you already know that you are dealing with an energetic, imaginative person. This is an air sign, and people who belong to this element live to a large extent "in their heads." Gemini is under the rule of the planet Mercury, which is, among other things, about communication and the mind. It is the fastest planet in our solar system and Gemini is also fast, agile, and a bit airy. They are the multi-taskers of the zodiac. The Twins absolutely excel in this.

The Gemini wants to know everything about you and does not hesitate to fire an amazing number of personal questions at you while they decorate you with words, jokes, smooth talk, and humor. No one surpasses this zodiac sign when it comes to communication, although they are better at talking than listening. This is because they are very easily distracted, their brains always run at top speed and concentration is not their forte.

Give the Gemini space and freedom
The restless Gemini needs change and "needs" to be in constant motion. There is a need in every area of ?? life and therefore also in friendships and relationships.

Gemini also has a reputation for having many short affairs and having a hard time settling down. Yet most of them really want a relationship. It is also the case that they get bored quite quickly and above all need a lot of space and a large degree of freedom. They often recognize this basic need themselves, so that sometimes wrong choices are made in love. Or too fast. Or too thoughtless. Because: this sign changes its mind quite often.

If you claim this sign too much or if you are too possessive, the relationship will not last long. And you will have to accept that your friend is a flirt.

Sex with a Gemini
Sex with a Gemini is playful and your lover might kick off the dirty talk, and exciting role-play, or erotic movies. You can't call the Gemini truly romantic or passionate, and if they are, it's because their birth chart creates nuances. What you can safely come up within everyone, for example, is with 50 Shades of Gray. As a book to read from, and as a film, to watch and reenact scenes together.

The differences between real love and attachment
It may sound silly, but sex must first take place in the Gemini brain before the hormones screech and the body heats up. Once that connection has been made, your lover will gain steam. Gemini falls in love with interesting, witty, intelligent people with an open mind. This sign finds this sign totally irresistible, sexy, and seductive. The Gemini is not macho, does not want to dominate/be dominated, and can only be bound if freedom is the basis of your bond.
